How to Get an EmergencyPrescription Refill

Summer is the most popular time for family vacations and leisure travel. Taking time to change your routine and see a new place can be good for your health. But changing your routine can also make it tough to remember your medications. Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to prepare for your trip and stay on track for the duration of your adventure.

Whether you’re going out of town or visiting Lancaster for a short time, Wiley’s can help you prepare before your trip and provide emergency prescriptions for visitors in need of a short-notice script.

Going out of town?

If you live in Lancaster but are planning to vacation elsewhere, Wiley’s can organize your prescriptions into day-of-the-week boxes that are compact enough for you to easily stow into your suitcase or luggage. And because these boxes have a section for the morning and evening of each day, you greatly reduce the risk of forgetting to take your medication and can easily see if a dose has been skipped.

Always take the right medication dosage at the right time with the Mediset pill organizer

We know that there’s a lot to remember when you’re planning a vacation and you don’t always have time to accomplish everything you’d like to. That’s why we’re here to make sure your medications are taken care of. Our pharmacists can put all of your prescription pills into the appropriate section to ensure an accurate dose for each day of your trip. That way, you can focus on other important things… is your passport expired?

And of course, if you leave your prescriptions in the medicine cabinet while you go away, simply go to a pharmacy near you and we’ll work with them to transfer your prescription.

Visiting Lancaster?

If you’re just in town for a little while and realize you’ve forgotten your medicine back at home. You might be thinking, “Where can I get an emergency prescription?”—well, don’t fret! Wiley’s can get in touch with your regular pharmacist or physician to figure out a solution for you. There are a few restrictions on which medications can be made available on an emergency notice.

Even if you just have a few questions about your medications while you’re in town, you can contact a Wiley’s pharmacist 24/7 to ask about drug interactions or address other concerns. Wiley’s always has a qualified representative available over the phone for after-hours prescription advice.

Medications Available for Emergency Prescription Refills in Lancaster

Any medication that needs to be taken on a daily basis, such as treatments for the following illnesses:

  • Heart conditions
  • Blood pressure issues
  • Cholesterol issues
  • Asthma
  • Seizures
  • Birth control

Medications Not Available for Emergency Renewal

Typically, any medication designed to treat episodic conditions (such as migraines):

  • Pain medications
  • Medications requiring prior authorization
  • Medications not used for 60 days prior to visit

Vacationing can definitely be beneficial to your mental and physical health. Just make sure that you’re taking the time to pack your prescription pills along with all your other travel essentials. Also, make sure you know the rules and guidelines for getting emergency prescriptions while you’re visiting another town. Getting all the facts ahead of time will ensure smooth and carefree travels.