Winter Safety Hazards and How to Face Them

Winter is here! While we may enjoy the winter wonderland look of the snowfall, the snow and low temperatures are very hazardous. Some common winter safety hazards include icy sidewalks, power outages, and car problems. Be prepared this winter with these helpful tips.

Icy Sidewalks

With dropping temperatures and snowy precipitation, sidewalks and walkways become danger zones in the winter. Prepare yourself before you head out into the icy conditions.

  • Stay limber and be alert. Do a couple of squats to loosen up your muscles so you don’t strain yourself if you do start to slip.
  • Tread lightly and go slow. Take short, easy strides or even shuffle along to avoid slipping on ice.
  • Choose proper footwear. The right footwear is the key to staying upright. Choose boots or slip-on spikes and avoid wearing heels or other shoes without good treads.

Power Outages

Power outages can occur during inclement weather and it’s even more hazardous in the wintertime with freezing temperatures. Know what to do when the power goes out.

  • Keep the necessary supplies on hand. Keep radios and flashlights at the ready and don’t forget batteries too! Radios are important for local news, weather, and outage updates. Make sure you have medicine and medical supplies in case of an emergency.
  • Have a backup plan to stay warm. Don’t have a backup generator? Consider alternative heating devices like a wood-burning stove or fireplace for heat. For extended outages, bundle up and try to keep at least one room in your home warm.
  • Pay attention to your pipes. Now that the power is out and your heat is likely out as well, you must keep your pipes from freezing. Let faucets slowly drip to avoid freezing. Wrap pipes in newspaper for insulation. Shut off water valves if necessary.

Winter Car Problems

Just as we are affected by cold temperatures, your vehicle’s health is affected as well. Here are some common winter car problems and how to address them.

  • Check your tires for air pressure. Remember, low air temperatures equal low tire pressures. Deflated tires are a hazard due to decreased control and increased stopping time. Check your pressure to ensure your tires are at the pressure specified by the manufacturer.
  • Make sure your car battery is in good health before the bad weather hits. A bad car battery loses even more voltage with cold temperatures. A rule of thumb is to replace your battery every 3-5 years.
  • Replace your windshield wipers and add washer fluid. Don’t get caught in a snowstorm without visibility due to old and non-functioning wipers. Also, be sure to choose washer fluid that is rated for cold weather. The last thing you want is for your wipers to freeze when you need them the most!

Don’t let winter take you by surprise! Stay on top of winter safety hazards with these tips and you’ll be sure to face them head-on. As always, the best way to stay safe is to be prepared. Visit Wiley’s Pharmacy today and stock up on medicine and supplies before the bad weather hits!